Fun with Global Warming

Welcome Dear Readers to Friday Fictioneers where participants write a 100-word story about the new picture that is posted every week by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields over at Addicted to Purple.

Here’s this week’s cool picture taken by Janet Webb over at her blog, This That and The Other Thing:

Copyright Janet Webb
Copyright Janet Webb

Fun with Global Warming

“I just love Global Warming, Harvey!  I’ve lost ten pounds already on my all-fish diet!”

“You look great, Delores.  Love your shoes!”

“Thanks. I got them at Just Galoshes!”

“Oh no!  Delores!  Our new rowboat’s sprung a leak!”

“What? Where’d you get it? Oh don’t tell me!  Al Gore’s Rowboat Palace and Oar Emporium?”


“Please say you got a life-time warranty, Harvey.”


“A two-year, no-leak service plan?”


“A 30-day guarantee?”


“Did you get anything?”

“Just a pat on the back and two-week’s free Internet service.”

“That’s it?”

“And Al’s personal assurance.”

“Which was?”

“You’ll never Tipper!”

"Come buy my rowboats!"
“Come buy my rowboats!  Yeah!”

* * *

Thank you Rochelle Wisoff-Fields over at Addicted to Purple for faithfully hosting this super-fun challenge each and every week.

Until next time . . . I love you

8 thoughts on “Fun with Global Warming

  1. Dear Linda,

    Well that was a stunner. I mean I’m literally stunned. nothing like a good pun to round out the week. Where are Al and Tipper when we need them for comic relief. It’s great to see you here in this neck of the woods! 😀



    • Hi Rochelle! Glad to see you are still leading this motley bunch! I decided to start participating again and lo and behold, it was rerun day and one I’d already written. So that was easier than I thought it would be. HA! Hope to be back participating again next week. And good luck on your book deadline and congrats! on having a book deadline! So cool!!! 🙂

  2. As we always say, one person’s feghoot is another person’s long story ending in a pun. Ok, we don’t always say it, but it comes up occasionally. Diamond anniversaries. Me eating vegetables. Mr.Peabody re-runs.
    Did you find that Algore-rhythm on your computer ?

    • Yes the Al Gore-rhythm was on my computer! Thanks so much for coming by Nick Notnick! You’ll have to excuse me now, I’m off to look up the meaning of feghoot . . .

  3. I laughed the entire story and the icing on the cake was you Tipoer pun and Al Gore dance moves! I also really want a pair of she’s from Just Galoshes!!

  4. Let’s you and I open mortgage the farm and open a Just Galoshes! store together. I think we could really make a go of it. We could also serve goulash on the side. I think it just might work!

Please leave a comment. I need help finishing my sentences.