Edwina Purina Chow Dippity Do

Edwina Purina Chow Dippity Do

Edwina Purina Chow Dippity Do

Bent over to polish her Buster Brown shoe

Buster Brown Shoes

But the polish therein was of toxic aroma

And Edwina Purina fell into a coma

comatose edwina

No one knew what to do for they couldn’t awake her.

So the Doctor was summoned. (He suggested they shake her)

comatose edwina

But yet she lay docile and still as could be

Then someone suggested,   “Push her out of a tree!”

Linda Vernon humor art

So they hoisted her up in a  Giant Sequoia

And everyone helped — even Mike and  Latoya!

Michael and Latoya Jackson

All that was left was to give her a shove

And who better for that than the lieutenant gov?

 Lieutenant Governor

Who ran on a platform of brotherly love

And never did falter when push came to shove

41st Lieutenant Governor of Texas shoving

He shook that sequoia, he had him some muscle

(Attributed mainly to sprouts found in Brussel)


sprouts of brussel
“Where you from?” “Brussel”                 “Me too!”


Well, the tree started shaking and then the wind blew

And Edwina Purina Chow Dippity Do . . .

comatose edwina

Flew through the air like a bomber (long range)

And landed on top of the Foreign Exchange

Edwina atop the foreign exchange buidling


She  opened her eyes and everyone cheered

But to tell you the truth? It was all very weird!

Edwina Purina Chow Dippity Do



6 thoughts on “Edwina Purina Chow Dippity Do

  1. Hahaha!!! I just love your drawings to accompany this poem! Please put together a book of all your poems for me to buy!

  2. All that & no comment from Edwina?

    Besides, if I lived with any of those, er, individuals, I think I’d keep my eyes shut too…

    Nice poem, though, love those epic tales of grand heroism and, oh… wait…

    Never mind.

    gigoid, the dubious


    • LOL Dubious! Maybe Edwina will comment if there’s a part two to this tale. Although I’m not sure there will be as Edwina isn’t very interesting in and of herself I have a feeling.

Please leave a comment. I need help finishing my sentences.