Trifecta Weekend Writing Challenge: A 33-Word Letter of Apology

For this week’s challenge, you have to write a letter of apology in exactly 33 words. Addresses, salutations, closings, etc. (should you wish to include them) do not count in the 33 words.

Dear Ms. Pinkie,

On behalf of myself and the entire team, I would like to extend our heart-felt apologies in conjunction with the abrupt severing of our relationship last Thursday. It was purely accidental.

I remain,

The Hand from Whence You Came


Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz oops!



The Tullberry Todgrass Brooch Scandal came in 2nd in last week’s Trifecta Writing Challenge!

Until next time . . . I love you

36 thoughts on “Trifecta Weekend Writing Challenge: A 33-Word Letter of Apology

  1. You have my vote this week for sure! I loved this story. LOVED it! Great wit you have. What a deliciously dark, twisted humor here. Reminds me of a black comedy that I watched a long time ago, called Burke and Hare, with the same sort of humor as your story here. And its (loosely) based on a true story. Not sure if you will like it, but here is more info just in case you might be interested in seeing it:

    Enjoy! 😀

  2. Hahaha! I’m assuming that Darkside Peanuts came up with that story line? Very funny.
    Congrats on “The Tullberry Todgrass Brooch Scandel.” That had WINNER written all over it. Great job!

  3. My husband did this to his hand. Sadly he knew he miscalulated the cut, but he was already in motion, and the blade took his finger tip. Oh yes, I love the response to the challenge.

    • Oh I’m so sorry to hear that really happened to your husband! Yikes! Glad you liked it anyway :D! Thanks for coming by Latittude of a Day (Great Name!) 🙂

  4. I laughed out loud. Silly, funny, and at the same time scary. My knees got a little mooshy there especially when I saw the blade. 🙂 Great job.

  5. Great take on the prompt. Made me pause for a moment and count each one of my digits just to be sure :).

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